剧情介绍:All her friends adore Nour. She’s a tomboy, plays a badass game of soccer and is treated like one of介绍:All her friends adore Nour. She’s a tomboy, plays a badass game of soccer and is treated like one of the guys by her teammates. She can also take on anyone, with her sharp wit and repartee. But despite her buddies, her over-protective mom and her brilliant mind, Nour is unhappy. She wishes she could be more feminine and wants dudes to see her as a girl, not a cute brother. Especially since her boyfriend just dumped her for some hot chick Nour is at the end of her rope. Something needs to change. So when Sissi, a Pole Dance instructor offers to teach her for free, Nour grabs the chance to try something new. Coached by Sissi, who believes in her, and supported by her group of friends, Nour gives everything she’s got to the possibility that she too, can be womanly. 茶杯狐Cupfox全天为您提供最新电视剧经典电影,每天及时更新,为您收集和分享
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